Saturday 11 February 2012

Grayson Perry and Power of Making

Grayson Perry: The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman 
In the Grayson Perry’s exhibition, there are his new art works and other objects from unknown craftsman. I saw some ceramics vases decorating beautiful hand drawings and hand writing, human head using wood carving and other works in various art forms.

Power of Making
Power of Making exhibition showed in the V&A museum until 2nd January 2012, co-operating with the Crafts Council. There people can see over 100 exquisitely crafted objects from famous artists, including knitted dress from Sandra Backlund, Crochetdermy bear from Shauna Richardson, armadillo shoes from Alexander McQueen, etc. 

After visiting these two exhibitions I found several differences between them. The first difference I think is about their purposes. Grayson Perry’s The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman wants to show people the precious art works over years. The craftsman of these works maybe not known by people, however, their art talents should be accepted by people. This exhibition makes a memory of those great unknown artists. In comparing, the purpose of Power of Making is showing how making works in human activities, how people solve practical problem and let people consider the role of making in their life.

In my opinion, the Power of Making exhibition is more about making, the types of making, showing how people learn skills and make new knowledge. Daniel Charny, the guest curator of the exhibition said: “Making is the most powerful way that we solve problems, express ideas and shape our world. What and how we make defines who we are, and communicates who we want to be.” Making is an essential role in our life. Following the development of human beings, people create things, invent and things, making becomes a way of thinking and problem solving.

Crayson Perry tried to connect the traditional craft and art. He calls his exhibition “a journey through my mind”. As a traditional craftsman he has great skills of making. This background supports his career of art. He can express his thoughts, ideas and concepts in a flexible way.

In summary, the works of The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman and the works of Power of Making are different largely because they have different purposes.

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